Saturday, August 29, 2009

Company Facebook Page Creation

Every Small Business Needs a Company Facebook Page

Does Your Company Have a Company Facebook Page?

Company Facebook Pages, every company needs one. They're Free and show up in Google listings along side your company website.

What? Your company doesn't have a company Facebook Page yet?

David Bruce of Frederick Web Promotions interviews Malcolm Carter of All Clean Inc of Maryland about the company Facebook presence I gave them and the exposure promoting it online has given the company.

David Bruce of Frederick Web Promotions interviews Malcolm Carter of All Clean Inc of Maryland about the company Facebook presence I gave them and it's exposure

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Do It Yourself SEO - Basic Anchor Text Linking

DIY Search Engine Optimization

SEO=Search Engine Optimization

The "optimization" part of SEO means to "optimize" your website to help make Google like it more.

While the majority of factors that go into getting one website to perform better (aka rank higher) than another website are about creating additional websites to support your site in a parent-child relationship (external sites= child your website= parent); there is still much you can do to spruce up your site to improve it's performance in the organic search rankings

This involves altering snippets of code on your site with what is known as "anchor text linking"

Simply put you take a url and "anchor" it to a url.

The url is no longer displayed as but you take a sentence (preferably a keyword combination (keyword phrase) and make those words a hot link.

The < and > symbols are known as 'lesser than' and 'greater than' symbols, respectively. In HTML, we call them "tags." Tags tell the computer how you want the information between the opening tag and the closing tag displayed on-screen.

When you open a tag, you MUST close the tag (with very rare exception--see below), or your formatting will apply to everything beyond the opening tag.

Tags, in use, look like this (note--you won't see them displayed in your posted message, but they must be typed in when you write your post. They're shown here for clarity): <B> tells the computer to display text between the tags in boldface. <B> is the bold tag, and </B> closes the bold tag. And you must use the ' / ' symbol *before* the letter in the closing tag. Anything else won't format correctly.

Some common codes for you to use...remember to put < and > around the letter to begin that command, and </> around the letter to tell the HTML to stop applying the command.

<B> This would appear in bold type. </B>

<I>This would appear in italic type. </I>

<U>This would appear underlined.</U>

To post a link to another web site, use this code:
<A HREF="">Name of webpage here</A>

**A quick dissection. 'A' means 'anchor'--as in, I want to stick something here. HREF is the URL reference. MAKE SURE you put http:// in front of the webpage address. If you put in "" it'll try to find a file named "" on the current domain. And </A> is the close tag.

To post an image, use this code:
<IMG SRC="">

Contact Frederick Web Promotions

Call David Bruce at 240 397-9804